When you ask most adults to recall their experience in middle school PE, you get a wide array of responses, but very few of them are pleasant. Climbing the rope, awkward attempts at pull-ups with underdeveloped arms, being last to get picked for teams—the list goes on. This isn’t the fault of the well-meaning PE […]
Archive | Health
Why Teens Shouldn’t Sip Energy Drinks Before Sports Practice
Recently we talked about how energy drinks can make middle schoolers hyperactive and distracted. In case that’s not enough of an incentive to cut back on these caffeinated beverages, this new study might change their minds. According to an article published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, research shows that energy drinks could be a […]
Puberty Resources & Advice For Parents of Preteens
We’ve just finished up with our puberty unit for the 6th graders, and oftentimes, it’s more stressful for the parents than it is for the kids. Comfort levels vary, and they might not have received any education on the topic themselves, except for a slightly awkward conversation with their own parents. They want to do […]
This Healthy Eating Trick Isn’t Always Best For Teens
Drink a cold glass of water before each meal. Eat a big, nutritious breakfast. Keep a food journal. Use smaller plates. We’ve all heard the tips and tricks to help you change your eating habits, but do they really work? A new study shows that at least one doesn’t, particularly for overweight teens. Researchers at […]